how to protect skin

How To Protect Your Skin This Winter

In the winter, exposure to the cold temperature can lead people to have dry skin on their face, hands, and feet. But some have more serious consequences such as cracking, flaking, or the development of conditions, such as eczema.

Why Winter Is Your Skin’s Enemy

The problem is not only due to the cold. The problem also comes when you turn on your heat, which has a drying effect regardless of what type of heat source you use. As San Francisco dermatologist Katie Rodin, M.D. says, “The air is frigid and dry outside, and any kind of indoor heat leaves it even more parched. Your skin’s protective barrier cracks, making it less able to repair itself. It becomes a vicious cycle unless you do something to prevent it—or treat it fast”.

Dermatologists are good source for suggestions on how to protect your skin, so it may benefit you to schedule an appointment, have your skin analyzed, and get some suggestions for improving your normal skin regimen. Dermatologists can treat serious conditions, but also suggest reasonably priced products that will help your skin. Their aim is to help you, so they won’t sell you a product out of self-interest, like a drugstore salesperson. Useful products need not be costly to effectively treat your skin.

What To Look For In Winter Cosmetics

Upgrading your moisturizer is a good place to start when considering winter skin products. Moisturizers for winter should be oil based to protect the skin. Many night creams follow this criterion. What’s important is to choose a product that contains a non-clogging oil base, such as evening primrose oil, almond oil, avocado oil, or mineral oil. Saving money by spreading Crisco on your face won’t do the trick, as it will just sit on the surface. Sorbitol, glycerin, and healthy hydroxide acids all contain humectants; products with these ingredients will attract moisture to your skin.

Other Ingredients To Look For Include:

  • 12% Lactic Acid: This contains exfoliating and moisturizing properties to combat scaling.
  • Honey: Honey reduces inflammation and the glucose within honey increases circulation. A homemade mixture of honey and sugar creates a scrub that softens the driest elbows and knees.
  • Salicylic Acid: This exfoliates rough skin around your hair follicles, prevents ingrown hair, and reduces the appearance of bumps.

Protective Measures Against Winter Weather

Protecting yourself from the cold is an important part of winter skin care. Make sure to wear gloves when you go outside, and if they get wet, try to remove them as soon as possible to prevent itching and cracking. Put sunscreen on your face and hands to beat the effects of winter sun and snow glare about 30 minutes before you go out and repeat if you are working outside for a long time.

Don’t forget to protect your feet with lotions that contain glycerin or petroleum jelly. Remove dead skin with an exfoliant, like a pumice stone. This will allow moisturizers to penetrate and protect your skin faster. If you’re concerned about getting greasy footprints on your carpet or sheets, wear some absorbent white socks to bed. You can moisturize your hands in the same way by wearing white cotton gloves after you apply lotion.

Taking shorter showers and warm rather than hot baths prevents moisture loss from your skin. When you need to wash your hands, consider a wipe off, soap free cleanser or alcohol free hand sanitizer. If you do wash your hands with soap and water, moisturize your hands right away.

Year Round Care From Raintree Medical And Chiropractic Center

Whether it’s winter or summer, Raintree Medical and Chiropractic Center has your well being in mind. Whether you need an annual checkup or you need treatment for an acute or chronic condition, call us today at 816-623-3020 or schedule an appointment online.